
16. Divyavani Gowda, Marumi Ohno, Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Masashi Shingai, Hiroshi Kida, Hitoshi Chiba, Shu-Ping Hui.Defining the kinetic effects of infection with influenza virus A/PR8/34 (H1N1) on sphingosine-1-phosphate signaling in mice by targeted LC/MS. Sci Rep 11, 20161 (2021).

15. Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Divyavani Gowda, Vasundhara Kain, Hitoshi Chiba, Shu-Ping Hui, Charles E. Chalfant, Vibhu Parcha, Pankaj Arora, and Ganesh Halade*. “Sphingosine-1-phosphate interactions in the spleen and heart reflect extent of cardiac repair in mice and failing human hearts”.  

American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology (2021).

​14.  Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Tsukui T, Fuda H, Minami Y, Gowda D, Chiba H, Hui S-P. “Docosahexaenoic Acid Esters of Hydroxy Fatty Acid Is a Novel Activator of NRF2”. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(14), 7598. (Accepted, 2021).

13. Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Gowda D, Ohno M, Liang C, Chiba H, Hui S-P. Detection and Structural Characterization of SFAHFA Homologous Series in Mouse Colon Contents by LTQ-Orbitrap-MS and Their Implication in Influenza Virus Infection, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom, 2021.

12. Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Minami Y, Gowda D, Furuko D, Chiba H, Hui S-P. Lipidomic analysis of non-esterified furan fatty acids and fatty acid compositions in dietary shellfish and salmon by UHPLC/LTQ-Orbitrap-MS, Food Research International, 2021, 144, 110325.

11. Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Sasaki Y, Hasegawa E, Chiba H, and Hui S-P. Lipid fingerprinting of yellow mealworm Tenebrio molitor by untargeted liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed (Accepted, 2021)

10.Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda,,Gowda D, Liang C Li Y, Kawakami K, Fukiya S, Yokota A, Chiba H, Hui S-P.”Chemical labeling assisted detection and identification of short chain fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acid in rat colon and cecum contents”.Metabolites, 2020, 10, 398.

9.Yamamoto Y, Sakurai T, Chen Z,Furukawa T, Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Wu Y,Nouso K, Fuji Y, Yoshikawa Y, Chiba H, Hui S-P.”Analysis of serum lysophosphatidylethanolamine levels in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry”.Anal. Bio. Anal. Chem. 2021, 413, 245-253.

8.Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Fuda H, Yamamoto Y., Chiba H., Hui S-P.”A Simple and Efficient Method for Synthesis of sn‐Glycero‐Phosphoethanolamine”. Lipids, 2020, 55, 395-401.(

7.Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Liang C, Gowda D, Hou F, Kawakami K, Fukiya S, Yokota A, Chiba H, Hui S-P.”Identification of short-chain fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acids (SFAHFAs) in a murine model by non-targeted analysis using ultra‐high‐performance liquid chromatography/linear trap quadrupole‐Orbitrap mass spectrometry”. Rapid. Comm.Mass Spectrom., 2020, 34, 8831.(

6.Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Fuda H, Tsukui T., Chiba H., Hui S-P.”Discovery of Eicosapentaenoic Acid Esters of Hydroxy Fatty Acids as Potent Nrf2 Activators Antioxidants”. Antioxidants, 2020, 9, 397.(

5.Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Gao, Z.-J.; Chen, Z.; Abe, T.; Hori, S.; Fukiya, S.; Ishizuka, S.; Yokota, A.; Chiba, H.; Hui, S.-P.”Untargeted Lipidomic Analysis of Plasma from High Fat Diet-Induced Obese Rats Using UHPLC- Linear Trap Quadrupole -Orbitrap MS “.Anal. Sci., 2020,36, 821-828.

4.Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Kazutaka Ikeda, Makoto Arita. “Facile determination of sphingolipids under alkali conditions using metal free column by LC-MS/MS”.Anal. Bioanal. Chem.Vol. 410, Issue 20,753-759.(

3.Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Nakahashi A., Yamane K., Nakahashi S., Yuta Murai, Ananda Kumar C. S., Hammam M.A.S., Monde K. “Facile chemoselective strategy toward capturing sphingoid bases by a unique glutaraldehyde-functionalized resin”. ACS Omega,2018,Vol. 3, Issue1,323-345. (

2. Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Usuki S, Hammam MA, Murai Y, Igarashi Y, Monde K. Highly efficient preparation of sphingoid bases from glucosylceramides by chemoenzymatic method. J Lipid Res. 2016 Feb;57(2):325-31. doi: 10.1194/jlr.D065268.

1.Nakahashi A., Ananda Kumar C.S, Hammam M.A.S., Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Yuta Murai Y., Monde K., “Stereochemical study of sphingosine by vibrational circular dichroism” .Org. Lett,2016,Vol. 18, Issue 10,2327-2330.(

1. Prsanna D.S.,Murthy M., Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Rangappa D.”Advances in Nano composite materials for Environmental and Energy Harvesting Applications”.Springer Nature.

37. Li Y, D., Gowda, Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Liang C, Chiba H, Hui S-P.Liang C, Chemical Labeling Assisted Detection and Identification of Short Chain Fatty Acid Esters of Hydroxy Fatty Acid in Rat Colon and Cecum Contents “第61回日本臨床化学会年次学術集会”. 2021, 福岡、日本.

36. Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Liang C, Gowda D, Hou F, Chiba H, Hui S-P. “Saturated fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acids as novel biomarkers of influenza virus infection

第61回日本臨床化学会年次学術集会”. 2021, 福岡、日本.

35. Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, D., Gowda, Liang C, Chiba H, Hui S-P. “Global lipid fingerprinting for early disease biomarker discovery by LC/MS”. 第46回日本医用マススペクトル学会年会. 2021,宮城, 日本.

34. Matsuhisa C, Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, D., Gowda, Chiba H, Hui S.P. “Lipid fingerprinting for lipid biomarker discovery of drug-resistance in leukemia”. 第46回日本医用マススペクトル学会年会. 2021,宮城, 日本.

33. Minami Y, Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, D., Gowda, Chiba H, Hui S-P. “Comprehensive analysis of lipid composition in dietary Japanese fish using UHPLC/LTQ Orbitrap MS”.  第46回日本医用マススペクトル学会年会. 2021,宮城, 日本.

32. Fengiue H, Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, D., Gowda, Chiba H, Hui S-P. ” Synthesis and Development of a Facile Analytical Method for Short-Chain Fatty Acid Esters of Hydroxy Fatty Acids”.  第46回日本医用マススペクトル学会年会. 2021,宮城,日本.

31. Liang C, Siddabasave Gowda B, Sakurai T, Chiba H, Hui S.P. “One-step derivatization assisted targeted analysis of fatty acid hydroperoxide by LC/MS”.  第46回日本医用マススペクトル学会年会. 2021,宮城, 日本.

30.  Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, D., Gowda, Oono M, Liang C, Chiba H, Hui S-P. “Saturated fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acids as novel biomarkers of influenza virus infection”. 第55回 日本臨床検査医学会北海道支部総会/第31回 日本臨床化学会北海道支部例会. 2021,北海道, 日本.

29. Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Gowda D., Chiba H, Hui S-P. “Kinetic profile of lipids from acute to chronic myocardial infarction”.  第61回日本臨床化学会年次学術集会.(online) 2021,東京, 日本.

28. Chiba H, Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Fuda H., Tsukui T., Hui S-P. : Discovery of n-3 fatty acid derived lipids as potent Nrf2 mediated antioxidants, 第60回日本臨床化学会年次学術集会,(online) (東京 日本), 2020.10

27. Liang C, Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Chiba H, Hui S-P. ” Facile determination of lipid hydroperoxides by one-step derivatization coupled targeted LC-MS/MS”.第60回日本臨床化学会年次学術集会.(online),2020,東京, 日本.

26. Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Gowda D., Chiba H, Halide G., Hui S-P. “Role of Sphingosine -1-phosphate signaling in myocardial infarction”.第60回日本臨床化学会年次学術集会.(online),2020,東京, 日本.

25. Liang c, Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Gowda D., Hou F, Kawakami k, Fukiya S, Yokota A, Chiba H, Hui S.P. “Discovery of short-chain fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acid in intestinal contents as novel biomarkers for obesity”. Japan Society for Clinical chemistry Hokkaido branch meeting,2020, Sapporo, Japan.

24. Siddabasave Gowda B. Gowda, Gowda D., Chiba H, Halide G., Hui S-P. “Untargeted lipidomic analysis reveals new lipid biomarkers for myocardial infarction”. Japan Society for Clinical chemistry Hokkaido branch meeting,2020, Sapporo, Japan.

23. Siddabasave Gowda B, B.; Sakurai T.; Chiba, H.; Hui, S-P.” Uncover the role of lipids in health and disease by lipidomics”.超異分野meetup- 2020. Sapporo, Japan.

22. Siddabasave Gowda B., Ikeda K, Arita M.” Improved method for analysis of sphingolipids by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry”.2nd Japan-Korea Lipid symposium, 2018, Sapporo, Japan(Oral).

21. Mahadeva Swamy M. M、村井勇太、 Koolath Sajeer、Gowda Siddabasave B.、Aqmal O、須賀好子、姉帯正樹、門出健次.タボリックシンドローム、”アルツハイマー病改善を指向した スフィンゴミエリン合成酵素阻害剤の単離と合成”.第59回天然有機化合物討論会,2017,Sapporo, Japan.

20. 村井勇太、Gowda B. Siddabasave、Mahadeva Swamy M. M. Sajeer K、藤田将平、門出.”学脂質代謝酵素を標的とした新奇スフィンゴ脂質の創出”.第12回スフィンゴテラピィ(STC)研究会,2017,能登、日本 .

19. Koolath S, Murai Y, Siddabasave Gowda B, Mahadevaswamy M. M., Kobayashi Y,  Fujita S,  Hammam M, Suga Y, and Monde K.”Creation of Ceramide Library Towards Discovery of Novel Sphingomyelin Synthase (SMS) Inhibitors”.Japanese Society for Chemical Biology,2017, Sapporo, Japan.

18. Murai Y, Siddabasave Gowda B., Koolath S, Shota T., Kobayashi Y, Ogawa R, Monde K.”学スフィンゴ脂質ケミカルバイオロジーの展開”.日本ケミカルバイオロジー学会 第12回年会,2017, Sapporo, Japan.

17. “Innovative strategies for efficient supply of naturally occurring bioactive sphingoid bases”.SLING, 2017, National University of Singapore.

16. Koolath S, Murai Y, Siddabasave Gowda B, Mahadevaswamy MM and Monde K.” Construction of Sphingoids Chemical Library Towards Creation of Sphingosine Chemical Biology”.51st SPSJ Hokkaido Winter Meeting, 2017, Sapporo, Japan.

15. Koolath S, Murai Y, Siddabasave Gowda B, Mahadevaswamy MM and Monde K.” Construction of Sphingoids Chemical Library Towards Creation of Sphingosine Chemical Biology”.The 4th International Life-Science Symposium, 2016,Sapporo, Japan(Poster).

14. Koolath S, Murai Y, Siddabasave Gowda B, Mahadevaswamy MM and Monde K.”Construction of Sphingoids Chemical Library Towards Creation of Sphingosine Chemical Biology “.Hokudai-NCTU International Joint Symposium, 2016,Sapporo, Japan(Poster).

13. “Innovative strategies for efficient supply of naturally occurring bioactive sphingoid bases”.RIKEN-center for Integrative Medical Sciences, 2016,Yokohama Japan.

12. Siddabasave Gowda B., Yamane K, Nakahashi A, Ananda Kumar C.S., Usuki S, Igarashi Y, and  Monde K.”Application of novel polymer sustained glutaraldehyde resin towards rapid extraction of sphingolipids”.Japan-Taiwan Bilateral polymer symposium ,2015, Sapporo, Japan(Poster).

11. Monde K, Siddabasave Gowda B., Yamane K,Saori O, Nakahashi A, Ananda Kumar C.S., Mostafa A.S. Hammam M.A.S, Usuki S, Igarashi Y.”Highly efficient preparation of sphingoid bases from glucocerebrosides and their biological activities”.23rd International Symposium on Glycoconjugates, 15-20th September 2015, Split, Croatia(Poster).

10. Ananda Kumar C.S., Siddabasave Gowda B., Yamane K, Nakahashi A, and Monde K.”Development of novel resin for extraction of sphingoid bases and their stereochemical analysis by VCD”.15th International Conference on Chiroptical Spectroscopy, 2015,Sapporo, Japan(Poster).

9. Siddabasave Gowda B., Yamane K, Saori O, Nakahashi A, Ananda Kumar C.S., Usuki S,  Igarashi Y, and Monde K.”Development of novel extraction method of natural sphingoids by chemoselective capturing reaction”.27th Banyu Sapporo Symposium, 2015,Sapporo, Japan(Poster).

8. Monde K, Siddabasave Gowda B., Yamane K, Saori O, Nakahashi A, Ananda Kumar C.S., Mostafa A.S. Hammam M.A.S, Usuki S, Igarashi Y.”Highly efficient extraction of natural sphingoids by novel chemoselective resin – towards construction of their chemical library”.14th International Conference on Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation, and Related Diseases, 2015,Budapest, Hungary(Oral).

7. Siddabasave Gowda B.,Yamane K, Saori O, Nakahashi A, Ananda Kumar C.S, Usuki S, Igarashi Y, and Monde K.”A novel approach towards efficient supply of natural sphingoid bases and their application as multi drug resistance inhibitors in cancer”.14th International Conference on Bioactive Lipids in Cancer, Inflammation, and Related Diseases,2015, Budapest, Hungary(Poster).

6. Siddabasave Gowda B., Yamane K, Saori O, Nakahashi A, Ananda Kumar C.S., Mostafa A.S. Hammam M.A.S, Usuki S, Igarashi Y, and Monde K.”Application of novel polymer sustained glutaraldehyde resin towards rapid extraction of sphingoids”.64th SPSJ Annual Meeting, 2015,Sapporo, Japan(Poster)

5. Siddabasave Gowda B., Yamane K, Saori O, Nakahashi A, Ananda Kumar C.S., Mostafa A.S. Hammam M.A.S, Usuki S, Igarashi Y, and Monde K.”Innovative tactic towards rapid isolation of unique bioactive sphingoids from dietary natural resources”.249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, 2015,Denver, USA(Oral)

4. Siddabasave Gowda B., Yamane K, Saori O, Nakahashi A, Ananda Kumar C.S., Mostafa A.S. Hammam M.A.S, Usuki S, Igarashi Y, and Monde K.”A new tactic towards rapid extraction of unique sphingoid base”.Chemical Society Japan Meeting ,2015, Sapporo, Japan(Poster).

3. Siddabasave Gowda B., Yamane K, Saori O, Nakahashi A, Ananda Kumar C.S., Mostafa A.S. Hammam M.A.S, Usuki S, Igarashi Y, and Monde K.”Development of a highly efficient novel methodology for the rapid isolation of bioactive sphingoid base – toward construction of their chemical library”.The 2nd International Life-Science Symposium for Young Scientists, 2014,Hokkaido University(Oral)

2. Siddabasave Gowda B., Yamane K, Saori O, Nakahashi A, Ananda Kumar C.S., Mostafa A.S. Hammam M.A.S, Usuki S, Igarashi Y, and Monde K.”Development of a highly efficient novel methodology for the isolation of sphingoid bases and its application towards construction of their chemical library”.12th International Symposium for future Drug Discovery and Medical Care,2014,Sapporo, Japan(Poster).

1. Siddabasave Gowda B., Yamane K, Saori O, Nakahashi A, Ananda Kumar C.S., Hammam M.A.S.,Usuki S, Igarashi Y, and Monde K. “Chemoselective capture of sphingolipids by efficient resin and stereochemical analysis method”.Molecular Chirality 2014, Sendai, Japan (Poster).