About Dr. Gowda


10/2012 – 03/2016 : PhD [Life Science]

Graduate School of Life Sciences, Hokkaido University, Japan

2004 – 2007: B.Sc. [Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics]

Bharathi college, University of Mysore, India

2007 – 2009: M.Sc. [Chemistry]

Department of  Studies in Chemistry, University of Mysore, India



10/2020 – till date:  Lecturer (Permanent), Faculty of Health Science, Hokkaido University, Japan

06/2019 – 09/2020:  Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Science, Hokkaido University, Japan

03/2017 – 05/2019:  Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences Hokkaido University, Japan

04/2016 – 02/2017: Academic Researcher, Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University, Japan

12/2015 – 03/2016: Research Assistant, Graduate School of Life Science,  Hokkaido University, Japan

10/2010 – 09/2012: Assistant Professor, IIT-JEE Training Centers, India

08/2009 – 09/2010: Lecturer, BET Academy of Higher Education, University of Mysore, India


2021.6.- 2022.2: FY2021 Support System for the Collaborative Research of Next-Generation Researchers: “Unrevealing the links between Kombu and obesity associated to sphingolipid metabolism”.

2021.4.- 2025.3: 若手研究21K1481201 (JSPS Early Carrier Scientist Award): “Exploring the functional role of Hijiki in obesity-associated to sphingolipid metabolism”.

2016.12: Tokyo Biomedical Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship for Asian researchers (TBRF) award (declined)

2015.07: Ono Pharmaceutical Travel Award for Young Researcher 

2015.03: Hokkaido University Travel Award

2016.02: Japan student service organization (JASSO) Scholarship.

2012.10: International Graduate Program (IGP) MEXT-Scholarship


2021-04-till date : International Lipidomics Society 

2021.04-till date: American Chemical Society

2020.04 – till date: Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry.

2015.04: The Society of  Polymer Science, Japan